πŸ“Ί Videos

Sandra and Dieter Compare Personal Transformation by StarMatrix and EMO

Sandra and Dieter Compare Personal Transformation by StarMatrix and EMO

Exploration and discussion of the ways that these two powerful transformation approaches work, their gifts and strengths and differences.
To have a first experience of EMO and Star Matrix book a free 45m consultation with Sandra through her website www.healingpainwithlove.com
The FIRST EMO Energy-in-Motion Training with Silvia Hartmann, London, 2002

The FIRST EMO Energy-in-Motion Training with Silvia Hartmann, London, 2002

Happy 22nd Birthday EMO Energy-in-Motion! πŸ₯³πŸŽ‚πŸ₯‚

Here's a little video from the very first "EmoTrance" practitioner training that Silvia Hartmann gave in Kensington, London in 2002 πŸ’›

Great to see GoE trainer trainer extraordinaire Sandra Hillawi in the front row!

StarMatrix Interview with Carolyn Marie Michelman #starmatrix

StarMatrix Interview with Carolyn Marie Michelman #starmatrix

More about Star Matrix at healingpainwithlove.com/...rix-master/
Sandra and David Ingvoldstad chat about Star Matrix

Sandra and David Ingvoldstad chat about Star Matrix

What do our star memories hold for us? Join Sandra Hillawi and David Ingvoldstad for a sizzling chat about star memories, star matrix and why its a great direction of focus for us
More information at healingpainwithlove.com/...rix-master/
Sandra Hillawi and Jackie Yaeger chat about Star Matrix

Sandra Hillawi and Jackie Yaeger chat about Star Matrix

Why its good to talk about our positive memories, glimmers of light in our life, which we call Star memories. Sandra Hillawi chats with recent graduate from the Star Matrix Masters course Jackie Yaeger in California about how Star Matrix helps her in her life and her impressions of the course.
More about Star Matrix at healingpainwithlove.com/...rix-master/
Pause for 6 Minutes of Self Compassion

Pause for 6 Minutes of Self Compassion

To experience more about Healing with Compassion consider joining The Compassion Experience, details at healingpainwithlove.com/...ion-course/
Healing with Compassion

Healing with Compassion

Consider joining Sandra for The Compassion Experience healingpainwithlove.com/...ion-course/ 8 week journey to explore, experience and grow your compassion for your personal healing journey and for others.
The Tapping Blues by Sandra Hillawi

The Tapping Blues by Sandra Hillawi

Tapping Blues song by Sandra Hillawi. More about energy tapping to release stress and improve emotional and mental state at Sandra's website healingpainwithlove.com/...troduction/
Reminding someone of who they are when they are low reconnects them to their Star Matrix

Reminding someone of who they are when they are low reconnects them to their Star Matrix

Sharing a personal message of how valuable it is to remind someone of who they really are when they are in a moment of struggle, disconnected from themselves. #starmatrix More at healingpainwithlove.com/...rix-master/
Join us for an exploration of compassion

Join us for an exploration of compassion

Join Sandra Hillawi and friends for a journey to explore, experience and grow and understand compassion for healing ourselves and others. 8 Week course, small intimate groups, enroll here healingpainwithlove.com/...ion-course/
2 Why do we need  to learn about love and emotional transformation

2 Why do we need to learn about love and emotional transformation

Sandra Hillawi shares why we need The Love Clinic and how we can learn to love ourselves and do our inner healing work to follow the path of Love in our life. More at healingpainwithlove.com/
1 The Love Clinic Book and Course

1 The Love Clinic Book and Course

Evelyn Beaulay interviews Sandra Hillawi about her book The Love Clinic and The Love Clinic Course offering a guided journey back to love in our relationships. More at healingpainwithlove.com/
Celebrating Freedom from Anxiety   A Star Moment

Celebrating Freedom from Anxiety A Star Moment

Celebrating a client achieving freedom from anxiety after a real live test going shopping... whooo hoooo! awesome! If you would like help to overcome anxiety contact me for a free chat to see if we can work together. calendly.com/sandrahillawi/45min
Journey from from anxiety and fear to love with EMO

Journey from from anxiety and fear to love with EMO

Reflections on an anxiety healing session using EMO to heal the fear, even the last 0.1% resistant fear, to enjoy a life of love and freedom.
Contact Sandra Hillawi for a free breakthrough consultation for your anxiety situation. calendly.com/sandrahillawi/45min and see how you can finally become free of fear
SMX Sandra and Barbara Star Moments

SMX Sandra and Barbara Star Moments

Barbara Smoloff sharing a shining star moment with Sandra Hillawi, showing how we can lift ourselves up even when there's chaos and stress around us.
Learn more about your own Star Matrix healingpainwithlove.com/...tar-matrix/
The fastest way to dissolve emotional pain  - healing now

The fastest way to dissolve emotional pain - healing now

The fastest way to dissolve emotional pain - healing now
Guided session with Sandra Hillawi using EMO Energy in Motion principles to dissolve and release blocked emotional energy and transform emotional pain to ease and relief
More information at healingpainwithlove.com/...-in-motion/
The fastest way to dissolve and transform emotional pain

The fastest way to dissolve and transform emotional pain

The fastest way to dissolve and release emotional pain
EMO Energy In Motion where we focus on the feelings in the body and use our intention to soften and flow the energy. Learn more at....
p s  How to heal unworthiness feelings with the StarMatrix approach

p s How to heal unworthiness feelings with the StarMatrix approach

This is a p.s. video to tag on to the last video on How to heal unworthiness feelings with the StarMatrix approach. I share a star memory of when my Mum bought me a dress during my last visit and the meaning that I realised within that.
Sandra on Star Moments

Sandra on Star Moments

How to heal unworthiness feelings with the StarMatrix approach

How to heal unworthiness feelings with the StarMatrix approach

How to heal feelings of unworthiness with Star Matrix, with Sandra Hillawi, translation to Turkish by Cumasiye Ozgur.
More info on Star Matrix ? Book a free 30 minute Inner Star Light Experience session with Sandra Hillawi calendly.com/sandrahillawi/45min
Star Matrix Stories and Invitation to Experience Your Inner Star Light

Star Matrix Stories and Invitation to Experience Your Inner Star Light

Star Matrix Stories and Invitation to Discover Your Inner Star Light with Sandra Hillawi
Book a Star Light Taster Session Now calendly.com/sandrahillawi/45min
Sandra and Cumasiye Tapping for Deep Rest for Tiredness

Sandra and Cumasiye Tapping for Deep Rest for Tiredness

Tap along with us to help release deep tiredness within so you can just take a rest.
Star Matrix Graduation Ceremony with a love song

Star Matrix Graduation Ceremony with a love song

A clip from the final celebration of Star Matrix with me singing a love song I wrote, I Adore You, to my graduates !! Enjoy!
More info at sandrahillawi.goe.ac/contact
Star Matrix 2 Congratulations New Graduates

Star Matrix 2 Congratulations New Graduates

Our latest graduates of Star Matrix Master course, qualified to activate the Light of Your Soul!
DM me via healingpainwithlove.com or comment below for more information
Energists! Star Matrix to Energise Your Day

Energists! Star Matrix to Energise Your Day

Greetings to Turkish Energists

Greetings to Turkish Energists

Energy Training with Sandra Autumn 2023

Energy Training with Sandra Autumn 2023

Gain skills to help yourself and others to manage the inner journey of life with modern energy training. Sandra introduces her Autumn season courses including Modern Energy Tapping, Star matrix, EMO Energy in Motion and SuperMind with a introductory taser workshop in September. Contact Sandra through her website healingpainwithlove.com or sandrahillawi.goe.ac
Jackie Scarcella and Sandra Hillawi Chat About Star Matrix

Jackie Scarcella and Sandra Hillawi Chat About Star Matrix

Sandra Hillawi and Jackie Scarcella chat about Star Matrix, Star memories and what they can teach us and how they help us activate and embody our true inner light. Moreabout StarMatrix at healingpainwithlove.com/blog
Sandra and Jamila Chat About Our Star Matrix

Sandra and Jamila Chat About Our Star Matrix

From Anxiety Relief to Positive Energy

From Anxiety Relief to Positive Energy

Star Matrix Offers

Star Matrix Offers

Book in advance with a friend for Star Matrix September 2023 and save 20%
Contact Sandra Hillawi for availability and enquiries via www.sandrahillawi.goe.ac/contact - copy and paste the address to your browser!
Positive Energy Course Invitation

Positive Energy Course Invitation

Raise your vibration, energise, shine bright so you can manage your life in a happy and easy way. Experience four powerful modern energy modalities 1) EMO Energy in Motion to soften and the energies of life through you 2) Modern Energy Tapping to add more positive energies til you are shining 3) SuperMind to connect with your inner self in your inner sanctuary and refresh your soul 4) Star Matrix to connect with the best of who you really are and embody that here and now. Message Sandra for course enquiries.
Star Matrix September 2023 - Advance Registration

Star Matrix September 2023 - Advance Registration

Star Matrix Course Enrollment Save 15% when you book early! Check out other Star Matrix videos on my channel.
The Star Matrix Course Connecting You to Your True Self

The Star Matrix Course Connecting You to Your True Self

My Star Matrix Tapping to Activate Your Shining Self

My Star Matrix Tapping to Activate Your Shining Self

Check out my video interviews about with people on their journey discovering their own star matrix journey, read Silvia Hartmanns book Star Matrix or join a training course with me Sandra Hillawi... copy and paste this link to my training diary www.sandrahillawi.goe.ac
Helen and Sandra Share a Star Moment - A Cosmic Splash and talk about Star Matrix

Helen and Sandra Share a Star Moment - A Cosmic Splash and talk about Star Matrix

StarMatrix Helen Ryle and Sandra Hillawi share an amazing star moment and discuss the value and importance of this focus of direction in therapy
Recommend Silvia Hartmann's Star Matrix Book or take the course with Sandra Events at www.sandrahillawi.goe.ac
Star Matrix Transformations with Silvia Hartmann & Sandra Hillawi

Star Matrix Transformations with Silvia Hartmann & Sandra Hillawi

Star Matrix doesn't just transform the client's experience - it transforms the therapist who get to have their own Star Events at the same time. Star Matrix and StarLine Therapy transform the way we think of ourselves, of each other and best of all, the meanings we have made of our lives. StarMatrix.org

The discussion between Dr Maas and Sandra: youtu.be/Wxv4NMIVM-0
Contact Sandra Hillawi for courses & sessions: sandrahillawi.goe.ac/

Order StarLine Therapy book here: DragonRising.com/.../starline_therapy/

#modernenergy #starmatrix #positiveenergy #starlinetherapy


πŸ’› FREE Quick & Simple 7 Tips For Happiness GoE.ac/7tips πŸ’›
πŸ’› FREE Illustrated eBook The Modern Energy rEvolution GoE.ac/revolution
πŸ’› Join us and get the Certification Video Course in Modern Energy Foundation which includes EMO Energy In Motion, Modern Energy Tapping, SuperMind, Modern Stress Management & Star Matrix FREE here: Goe.ac/join

πŸ’› Silvia Hartmann Modern Energy Books & Courses SilviaHartmann.com
Sandra and Dieter Chat About Star Matrix

Sandra and Dieter Chat About Star Matrix

Star Matrix Adventure
Copy and paste to your browser sandrahillawi.goe.ac/...vents/6100.htm
Which Amazing Modern Energy Training Should I Do Next

Which Amazing Modern Energy Training Should I Do Next

For all modern energy trainings visit www.GoE.ac .

For Sandra Hillawi's training diary visit www.sandrahillawi.goe.ac
Releasing Grief and Finding Lost kittens -  The Energy Magic of EMO

Releasing Grief and Finding Lost kittens - The Energy Magic of EMO

To learn more about EMO check out other videos in my channel fro a free experience session or contact me, Sandra Hillawi, about professional energy training EMO Energy In Motion Master
How Your Star Memories Can Heal You - Star Matrix with Sandra Hillawi

How Your Star Memories Can Heal You - Star Matrix with Sandra Hillawi

Contact Sandra Hillawi for healing through your own personal star memories
copy and paste www.healingpainwithlove.com/contact into your browser
StarMatrix May 2023

StarMatrix May 2023

Turkish Earthquake Support for Group Leaders

Turkish Earthquake Support for Group Leaders

The Love Clinic Course 22 Celebration

The Love Clinic Course 22 Celebration

Copy and paste to your browser
For details about the next course
Turkish Earthquake Support - Bereavement Healing

Turkish Earthquake Support - Bereavement Healing

Sandra Hillawi guided healing sessions with translation by Cumasiye Ozgur
Turkish Earthquake Support - Healing Your Heart

Turkish Earthquake Support - Healing Your Heart

Guided emotional healing with Sandra Hillawi, Turkish translation by Cumasiye Ozgur
Invitation to The Love Clinic

Invitation to The Love Clinic

Join the Self Love Course with Sandra and The Love Clinic Community from this link
Copy and paste bit.ly/TLCSelfLoveCourse into your browser
With love and thanks
Easy Way To Improve Flow and Circulation

Easy Way To Improve Flow and Circulation

Contact SandraHillawi @gmail.com for limited stock clearance supplies or order at the normal link below
Product information and normal prices here
Heartbroken, Suicidal, Marriage Over - The Story of AAA How He Got His Wife and Family Back

Heartbroken, Suicidal, Marriage Over - The Story of AAA How He Got His Wife and Family Back

Copy and paste bit.ly/theloveclinic-course to your browser for guided video sessions to help you find your way back to Love. Or contact me sandrahillawi @ gmail.com if you would like to discuss more personal help.
There is hope for healing, you can come back from where you are to find yourself again. With love. compassion and a bit of guidance... Sandra
Modern Stress Management Trainer

Modern Stress Management Trainer

Champion Energy with Sandra

Champion Energy with Sandra

3 Steps to Champion Energy Workshop
with Sandra Hillawi
Champion Energy with Sandra

Champion Energy with Sandra

3 Steps to Champion Energy Workshop
with Sandra Hillawi
3 Steps to Champion Energy with Sandra Hillawi

3 Steps to Champion Energy with Sandra Hillawi

3 Steps to Champion Energy with Sandra Hillawi
90 minute workshop copy and paste the url below to your browser
Future Me by Sandra Hillawi

Future Me by Sandra Hillawi

Story of The Love Clinic Course

Story of The Love Clinic Course

The Story of The Love Clinic ... enroll here bit.ly/theloveclinic-course
(Copy and paste the link to your browser)
3 Steps to Champion Energy

3 Steps to Champion Energy

Access your Champion Energy and Mindset in this 90 minute workshop with Sandra Hillawi bit.ly/championenergy (copy and paste link to your browser)
Where is Your Soft Heart with Sandra Hillawi and The Love Clinic

Where is Your Soft Heart with Sandra Hillawi and The Love Clinic

A real gem of a moment at The Love Clinic Workshop in Malaysia 2019
More about The Love Clinic with Sandra Hillawi ... copy and paste
into your browser
Modern Energy Trainers 2022 Album

Modern Energy Trainers 2022 Album

Celebrating 20 Years of E.M.O. Energy In Motion - energy emotion evolution and love

Celebrating 20 Years of E.M.O. Energy In Motion - energy emotion evolution and love

Learn How To Flow Your Emotions with EMO

Learn How To Flow Your Emotions with EMO

Grab one of the last places on this special event
Heal Evolve Grow and Flow into Love
Can number dyslexia be improved with EMO

Can number dyslexia be improved with EMO

Learn how to do EMO at this training workshop with Sandra Hillawi
EMO demonstration to release work stress symptoms

EMO demonstration to release work stress symptoms

Learn how to do EMO at a workshop
9 steps to healing a marriage after an affair

9 steps to healing a marriage after an affair

Amazing story of the steps to save a marriage after an affair using EMO Energy in Motion to heal the emotional injuries and restore trust and love. Learn how to transform your own emotions or help your clients bit.ly/EMO-25Years
8 healing recurring nightmares can be easier than you think

8 healing recurring nightmares can be easier than you think

Even kids can do EMO as this story of healing nightmares shows
Learn how to do transform emotional energy with EMO
7 what happened on that boat on a river in Turkey ....

7 what happened on that boat on a river in Turkey ....

Healing relationship problems is easier than you think with EMO as this story shows. Celebrating 20 years of EMO learn more bit.ly/EMO-20Years
6 EMO Healing multiple pains without talking about the story

6 EMO Healing multiple pains without talking about the story

Healing multiple pains when you don't want to talk about the story is simple with EMO Energy in Motion
Learn more bit.ly/EMO-20Years
5 EMO helping headaches and migraines

5 EMO helping headaches and migraines

Interesting story of helping chronic headaches and migraines by releasing blocked energy of stressful life events with EMO Energy In Motion. Learn more bit.ly/EMO-20Years
20 Years of EMO! with Silvia Hartmann & Sandra Hillawi 20th Anniversary Part 5

20 Years of EMO! with Silvia Hartmann & Sandra Hillawi 20th Anniversary Part 5

It's been 20 years since EMO was first presented at the Commonwealth Centre in London, UK on June 30th, 2002. It's been quite the journey! :-) Join us for a great conversation as EMO's creator and top trainer talk about their journey in energy. Join us and learn more about EMO: GoE.ac/join

The full EMO Energy In Motion Manual: DragonRising.com/store/EMO
Sandra Hillawi's awesome book on EMO and love, sex and relationships: DragonRising.com/...e/the_love_clinic/
Contact Sandra: sandrahillawi.goe.ac/
3 EMO Energy Shields  holding back love

3 EMO Energy Shields holding back love

A personal story of Energy Shields and how to heal them and reconnect to Love with EMO Energy In Motion
20 Years Anniversary Celebration event bit.ly/EMO-20Years
2 EMO Launch and first experience of joy

2 EMO Launch and first experience of joy

The funny and touching story of what happened when I attended the launch of EMO Energy In Motion was a transformational event in June 2002.
1 Intro to EMO Anniversary Stories

1 Intro to EMO Anniversary Stories

Celebrating 20 Years of transformation with EMO Energy In Motion and 20 years as an Energy Trainer leading up to the special celebration event on 22nd July 2022 bit.ly/EMO-20Years
Modern Energy Healer DL Course

Modern Energy Healer DL Course

Enroll on the Modern Energy Healer Distance Learning Course here with Sandra Hillawi as your tutor bit.ly/modern-energy-healer
and learn how to help yourself, friends and family as you empower your very own healing hands of love
Earthly Angels by Sandra Hillawi

Earthly Angels by Sandra Hillawi

Earthly Angels by Sandra Hillawi
More at mysongsandpoems.com/
Sandra Hillawi - Reflections on the 2020 Turkish Trainer's Training

Sandra Hillawi - Reflections on the 2020 Turkish Trainer's Training

Two GoE veteran trainers share their insights and experiences: Silvia Hartmann chats with Sandra Hillawi about the challenges and joys of this year's TTT, and about some of the ways in which GoE trainings are radically different from the old type of "school learnings."

Find a great course in Modern Energy that excites you here: GoE.ac/courses

Train with Sandra Hillawi: sandrahillawi.goe.ac/ online and off!

Sunday Live With Silvia & Friends

Sunday Live With Silvia & Friends

Link to Sandra Hillawi's fundraiser offers: healingpainwithlove.com/...ing-offers/

Link to Susan Kennard's children's initiative - Contact FB.com/SusanKSparkleToSuccess

Link to Star Matrix eBook - DragonRising.com/store/star_matrix/

Support us - join the GoE! GoE.ac/join

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